Every winter we feel the effects of cold winter air. Dry cracked skin, dry sinuses, static electricity and don’t even get us started on what it does to wood and paint in the house!
All of this can be relieved with the use of humidification and some beauty tips we have found helpful below!
Chapped Lips? Most people often suffer from chapped lips, especially in the winter. Using a high quality bees wax based lip product or petroleum based product will help alleviate those rough, raw, burning lips. Staying out of the sun and wind and trying to avoid licking your lips may give you some relief, but not for long.
Hydrate! Much harder to do in the cold fall & winter months but in reality almost MORE crucial. The summer air holds moisture but the winter air does not and this will directly contribute to dehydration, especially of the skin. Remember you don’t have to guzzle ice water to stay hydrated. Seek hydration from other sources in your diet including vegetables like cucumbers, tomatoes, and lettuce. You can get your hydration in your coffee and tea. The old saying these had the opposite effect is a myth! Don’t forget other sources like sports drinks, sparking waters, coconut waters, and even bone broths.
A few tips to help with your dry uncomfortable skin this winter:
Use a humidifier Running a humidifier in your home will add moisture to dry, heated air. The moist air will help keep your skin, mouth, and nose lubricated, and helps prevent those nasty static shocks. The goal is to aim for a comfortable home humidity level of between 30% and 50%. Seal your home. Prevent the cold, dry air outside from paying you an unwelcome visit. Insulate your home so you don’t have to turn up the heat. Close any air leaks in doors, windows, attics, and crawl spaces with caulk, spray foam, or weather stripping. Sealing off air leaks will also help you save money on your monthly heating bill, because you'll feel warm and cozy enough to turn down the thermostat a few notches.
Hydrate often Keep your skin and mouth moist by drinking water throughout the day. Don’t like water? Try putting in a little tea or juice to add flavor.
Shorten your showers. Long, hot showers might feel great on frigid winter mornings, but the heat and steam can really dry out your skin. Turn the water temperature down to warm -- not hot -- and use a gentle soap. Get out as soon as you're clean, or under 15 minutes, whichever comes first.
Moisturize. Rub a thick oil-based moisturizer onto your skin frequently each day, especially after you take a shower or bath. The oil in the product will lock moisture into your skin and keep it from drying out. Moisturizers come in different forms, but ointments will provide the most protection for dry skin. Make sure to apply moisturizing sunscreen with SPF 30 to exposed skin before going outside. Also apply a lip balm or petroleum jelly to protect against chapped lips. Help keep your nasal passageways moist by using salt water (saline) drops or rubbing a little petroleum jelly into each nostril gently with a cotton swab.
Don’t suffer in your dry indoor air and ask us about humidification options for your home! Request a free estimate by calling 603-436-8811 or submitting a request online here.